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Keyword search with wildcards in find and replace tool

7 - Meteor

Hello!! Is there a way that I am able to use the Find and Replace tool to apply keyword searches that contain wildcards. The dataset I am working on contains a list of locations that are written in various ways. For example my dataset contains location data that is Bloggs Healthcare, Bloggs health, Bloggs Healthcare Ltd, Bloggs Healthcare Limited. I would like the keyword search to be Bloggs* (* being the wildcard, although not sure if it something different in Alteryx!) so that it appends all the rows where this is location is present as I don't know all the variations that it could be written in. I hope that makes sense, any ideas on how I am able to do this would be greatly appreciated!





17 - Castor

Hi @KimishaP 


That tool doesn't have wildcard logic specifically, however you could play around with the options (Beginning of field, any part, etc):



20 - Arcturus

@KimishaP another option to use the Fuzzy match tool

13 - Pulsar

@KimishaP , this is the approach I would use. Append a lookup table and then use RegEx expressions to perform your wildcard matches:




Workflow attached for you to take a look at

7 - Meteor

Thank you  all for your help! I will try these out and see what works best!!
