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Joining tables with column reference containing a formula

5 - Atom

Hi All,


I want to populate FinalValue column based on the calculation/rule from the Calc column. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to achieve this?


Inventory Table

Item IdItem DescCalc FinalValue
Inv-3Bananaif ( D <5) then 0 else D 





16 - Nebula

Hi @Uddi ,


One way to do that is to parse using a "Text to Columns" tool using the "+" sign as the delimiter and splitting into rows. Then with the "Find & Replace" tool, you can append the values for A,B,C and D and summarize to aggregate those based on the product ID. Last step is to include the if statement, and you can do that with a formula tool.



Screenshot 2020-12-01 062342.jpg


This workflow has some flows, for example if instead of having A+C-D, it wouldn't work cause the workflow can't pick up the "-" sign. 


Hope that helps,



16 - Nebula

Hi @Uddi ,


With a quick search in the community there is probably another more robust way to do it.... with a batch macro.


I drew inspiration from a post in the community here:


I first used a "Cross-tab" and an "Append Fields" tools to bring the table in the following format:


Screenshot 2020-12-01 064639.jpg

Then, I've created a Batch macro, which only contains a single formula tool updating the "FindValue" field with an expression. That expression can be altered by the control parameter, so whatever I've written in the formula tool is just a place holder for the expressions I will later feed in to this control parameter


Screenshot 2020-12-01 065026.jpg


Two things to note here :


1) Your mathematical expressions should have a correct format for Alteryx to work. So for example, in the "If statement" you have provided, an "endif" was missing which I have added to close the IF statement


2) Your batch macro should be configured as shown below : 


a)Your question should be set to the "Calc" field. That essentially tells the batch macro to feed in/replace the parameter with whatever is in you "Calc" field, so other expressions.

Screenshot 2020-12-01 065319.jpg


b) You should configure the batch macro to group by the "Item ID", so for each different Item ID in that field a separate "Calc" expression will be used.


Screenshot 2020-12-01 065333.jpg


Not sure how familiar you are with batch macros and if you are in the early stages of your Alteryx journey this might seem a bit overwhelming. I tried to explain each step with as much detail as possible, but feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.


This is a more robust solution than the one provided earlier and will probably work for every expression.


Screenshot 2020-12-01 070109.jpg

Hope that helps,



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

I was going to post a solution. But after seeing @AngelosPachis solution i changed my mind😅


@AngelosPachis has already done a really great job 🙂 especially by digging the posts and finding a dynamic solution. 


This is an amazing idea where you can pass the string to a macro and actually convert it to expression and perform operations.  This is definitely a great hack and skill up 😎


Thank you for this great new exposure @AngelosPachis 🙂

5 - Atom






16 - Nebula

Hi @Uddi ,


1. If you are referring to the first table containing the ID and calc fields, then I reckon the "Cross-tab" and "Append Fields" won't impact performance significantly. If however you have 2000 distinct variables (A, B, C, D and so on) then I think that this will impact performance more. In either case, I believe that Alteryx will be able to handle it, but performance is something subjective and depends on the use-case.


2. I'm not aware of another solution to do this outside a macro at the moment. There are some tools such as dynamic replace that may be able to do it, but I don't have much experience in using them.


Let me know how scaling up worked for you and if the results you got after scaling up were still accurate.




