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Joining/adding column from a data source to another

7 - Meteor

Hello - I've got a pretty simple question I believe, for some reason I can not figure it out.


I have two lists from two individual data sources I'd like to join, the first list has 72 rows and I need to keep all columns and the final joined list needs to stay at 72 rows. All I'm trying to do is join/add this "Business License Requirement" column from list 2 to list 1, joined by the City name.


Alameda in list 1 for example, I'd like to just add the "Business License Requirement" column and it say "Yes". Anaheim, Burbank, City of LA would then just be "null" in this new column because they're not on list 2. Then Cupertino would be "Yes" in this new column because it is on list 2, etc.


Hope this makes sense, would appreciate any help!

10 - Fireball

@dottman  -


Have you tried the Find Replace Tool?  The F input anchor will be your list 1, and the R Input anchor will be your list 2.  You can use the Append Field(s) to record option to bring in the column form list 2.

14 - Magnetar

Similar to @JBLove you could use the join tool

11 - Bolide

Fittingly named, the join tool will accomplish this. You find a common field to join on and deselect the unwanted fields in the join tool configuration. 


To get the null values for non-existent values you can follow up with a union tool to combine the data from two output anchors from the join tool. Example attached. 


Screenshot 2024-05-22 085539.png



7 - Meteor

This worked, thanks!
