You can use Join tool on multiple fields. Then use Formula tool for the L and R anchor to indicate No and Yes for the J anchor. Finally use a Union tool to bring L, R and J back all together.
Hi @ShankerV ,
Thanks . this is what i did. Ideally the 172 observation from file 2 are subset of the file 1. The final out put file after union should be 7549. But its giving me 7655..
this is the issue i am facing.
Hi @sriniprad08, You can union your unmatched values and use a formula tool to flag them. Here is a solution using your example:
Hi @sriniprad08
The issue for more records are due to duplication issue.
Can you please use unique tool before joining one dataset 1 and dataset 2 to avoid the duplication post joining.
Many thanks
Shanker V