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JSON Parse tool is not working

7 - Meteor

I am fetching data using Python Tool and writing it to the dataframe. Some of the fields are in JSON format



which I need to normalize. For this, I am using Formula Tool to remove first and last square brackets ([]). However, when I am using Parse Tool, I am not getting anything as in the screenshot. 


My workflow is as following:


I have uploaded the results before formula tool as well. 


Any helps would be really appreciated!


Thanks in advance




8 - Asteroid

Hi @nazrin_guliyeva ,


Try the attached workflow, the json parse takes double quote.





17 - Castor

Hi @nazrin_guliyeva ,


If you are exporting a python Dictionary (Which does look a lot like a JSON), that would explain why Alteryx isn't seeing it as a valid JSON string.


What you could do in your python output is to convert the dictionary to a JSON string using the dumps() function from the JSON module within python. The JSON conversion in python will be much more performant than the string operation to replace the ' with " and you wont have to consider handling issues where ' is in the contents of the JSON values.


See below code snippet from

import json

r = {'is_claimed': 'True', 'rating': 3.5} #Sample python dictionary
type(r) #Output dict
r = json.dumps(r)
type(r) #Output str

By using json.dumps() function in your python code itself will fix the issue of single quote and will parse your json output.


I hope it helps.


Sapna Gupta
17 - Castor

Hi @nazrin_guliyeva , if the issue is resolved kindly mark the post as solved so that it can help other users as well.


Sapna Gupta