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JOIN tool


Hello all, 

I am using Join function on protected data, so I cannot post them here. But left result and join result showing me correct data. But Right join also shows me data that should be in JOIN result. What this can mean? Why the JOIN tool does not work properly? 





@adriana_1 without testing it on dummy data and understanding how your join tool is configured it's very hard to diagnose a problem. If you could post some dummy data similar to your data we can do a similar test


hi @adriana_1 , The Right Join might be showing unexpected data due to:

  • Incorrect Join type: Use "Left Join" to include all left records and only matching right records.
  • Join condition problem: Verify your joining rule matches records correctly.
  • Data duplication: Check for duplicates in either input causing extra joins.
  • Data type mismatch: Ensure joining fields have compatible data types.
  • Tool configuration error: Review Join tool settings for any unexpected options.

@adriana_1Thank you for your question. @Manoj_k lists some excellent configurations to check, but to clarify on his first point, there is no option in the join tool to specifiy the type of join. Effectivley all types of joins ( left, right etc) are implicitly all included and reflected in the L,J,R Anchors. Two additional things to check is you have connected the incoming data streams to the correct input anchors too, and that you havent accidently selected 'join by record position' potentially. Also note that multiple join conditions (ie fields to join) on can be used, this can help get the missing records into the join.


Many thanks - Rhys Cooper


Hello @Deano478 I tried to create dummy data and I did not have this problem. So there is an issue with data. Do you have any idea what can be the issue? 


If it doesn't replicate with the data, it'll be a DQ issue.

If you're joining on strings, are all of these identical? (caps, spaces, punctuation, etc.).

Do any of the cells have leading/trailing whitespace?

If you're joining on non-integer numeric fields, rounding could be an issue - sometimes the full value isn't displayed in the cell in the results window, so they could appear identical, but actually are not.

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