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It possible to save the workflow outputs to a specific folder?

10 - Fireball

Hi All,


We employ a few workflows. Could these be kept to a distinct folder and scheduled to run annually or biannually after being uploaded to Alteryx Server so the business may evaluate them?


According to my early experience, I would schedule scripts to run at specific times, then retrieve the results using the Gallery UI. Is it feasible to save the outputs to a certain folder that business users use (such a shared path on another server)?


Do my current workflows' output tools need to be updated?


I need assistance to comprehend.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @EN6924 yes it's possible you would need to work with your IT team to permission the windows server that host your Alteryx server to have permission to write to a network folder location. You can then update your workflow to write to that location so when it runs on the Alteryx server all outputs would be outputted to that location.

16 - Nebula

Yes, it is possible to schedule workflows to run annually or biannually in Alteryx Server, and to save the outputs to a shared folder accessible by business users.

16 - Nebula

Hi @EN6924 


If the folder is inside of a sharepoint/onedrive path, it is easier. You can use these tools to save the files there (onedrive is not installed by default, so you would need to install it at your local machine and ask the Alteryx Server admin to install it there too):

If it is a 'normal' network folder, you will need to ask the IT to share the network folder location with the Alteryx Server machine. After this is done, just keep your output paths as UNC (workflow dependencies):

And when you save the workflow to the gallery, be sure that all worflow assets are unflaged:





10 - Fireball

This worked. Thank you very much 😊 

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