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Is it possible to load several files with the "File Browse" tool over the Gallery

7 - Meteor

Is it possible to load several files with the "File Browse" tool over the Gallery ?


I receive several .xlsx and .xlsb files with the different schema. I want to use i.e. the "Interface tools /File Browse" tool for this to manually upload these to the Gallery on my Alteryx Server for blending workflow there.

Can anyone guide me how to achieve this?

Folder A (.xlsx) has different schema
I want the user to select all the required files (.xlsx) and get .csv output
Folder B (.xlsb) has same schema
I want the user to select all the required files (.xlsb) and get .csv output

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Rao2821 


The File Browse tool is restricted to just one file, and the Folder Browse tool is not supported on the Gallery - but there is a workaround using a text input tool and asking users to paste in the path to the directory they'd like to use instead.


If you have a look at this link on the Community:


7 - Meteor

Hi @DavidSkaife

Thank you for the solution.

I want users to have a option to select or deselect files, where as text input tool will only take up the entire folder path without giving users options to select files. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Rao2821 


I've pulled together the attached apps for you, that should give you the basis for selecting file(s). This uses a technique known as 'Chained Apps' where the first app calls the second app on completion, and uses data generated from the first app to populate the second, more info here -


The first app reads in file info from a Directory and generates two outputs, one is a list of the Filenames to use for the selection part in the second app, and the other is all the data from the Directory tool:




The crucial setting for this to work is in the Interface Designer (available from the View menu on the top ribbon bar):




The second app reads in the data file, and updates the Filter tool using values from the list file:




At the moment its set to just output the contents of the Browse tool to a window to verify it's working, but you should be able to carry on the workflow now to achieve what you're looking for.


All the filepaths will need updating to your locations, they are currently set to the folder the workflows are saved in.


Hope this helps!

7 - Meteor

Hi @DavidSkaife,

Thank you so much for the workflow and the explanation.

I am facing an issue in App1 Summarize tool.
Filename should have Name and Value
If I add both Name and Value it throws duplicate grouping field.
If I keep only Name it throws File must contain name and value.

How do I fix this issue?

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Rao2821 


Your Summerize Tool should look like this:




and your List Box should be like this:




That's the only two parts i can think of that would cause the error. Have you used the workflow i've provided or used it to build your own?


If you're able to share it that would be great, if the above doesn't help!


7 - Meteor

Hi @DavidSkaife

I copied the tools on new workflow canvas and now its working all fine.

Thank you for the solution
