Is Alteryx support array data structure? I want to read the data which is stored in array format in elastic search.
@priyankamishra I would highly suggest when you post a question on the Community to provide a sample workflow of what you have attempted in Alteryx to allow the users to understand your level of use in Alteryx. If you can provide a screenshot of a sample input and a desired output, that would be helpful for the community as well.
You are talking about these type of structures, right?
Alteryx does not have functions to query/manipulate them directly like some other tools have. But you will be able to manipulate them as strings using the formula tool, regex tool, etc. Another good thing is that you can transform this string into a flat table, do what you need to do and transform them into arrays again.
Here is an close example of this string manipulation to turn a table into array, the other way around is possible too.
This would be read as a string - and you would need to parse it via tokenizing/text to columns etc. to split it into component parts. Alteryx does not support [field][index] as a distinct out of the box identity - but you can turn a text field containing an array object into units.
For In-DB operations - Alteryx supports whatever DICT/OBJECT/ARRAY/STRUCT etc. formats are supported by the connected DB based upon the ODBC driver. This means that you can hard code SQL functions and expressions related to these fields -ie in the initial CONNECT/DYNAMIC INPUT IN-DB tools, the FORMULA tool or the FILTER Tool. Something like the Join or Summarize tool operates on the field level.
Hi All, i also have the same question, how do you create an array in my case ID's
Hi @jdoughty1
If Your input is a dataset like this:
You can use the formula + concatenate tool to create an output like this:
Check the attached workflow.
Please note there is an idea about it :