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Internal error: Unexpected error in table

7 - Meteor

I am receiving an error while trying to create a pivot table in the table preparation add on. I do not know how to fix the error and it is not giving me any more information, would someone be able to help me with the following error I have attached? Internal error: unexpected error in table.

Thank you

20 - Arcturus

@bthursti I don’t think that is possible with the render tool, one option you have to create all your data using the existing workflow along with the pivot then output to excel file using the render tool , another option instead of using table tool write the output directly to the excel sheet using output tool, in this case you will not loose your original data

7 - Meteor

@binuacs so you can not export more than one pivot table into the same file? is that what I am understanding?

20 - Arcturus

@bthursti  I mean to say if you are writing your pivot to the existing excel file then it will replace the existing data.  If you have multiple pivot you can write all those data in the excel output

7 - Meteor

@binuacs  how do I write all of the pivot tables into the same excel file?

20 - Arcturus

@bthursti Same excel file with different tabs?

7 - Meteor

@binuacs Yes that is what I am trying to accomplish.

20 - Arcturus

@bthursti Yes, that is possible, I will update your workflow and send it back to you 

20 - Arcturus

@bthursti Attaching the updated file, you need to make the changes in the table tool, below is the output generated from the updated workflow




7 - Meteor

Is there an internal bug or is it an issue with the way we are using the pivot table feature? I am receiving the same error as the OP so decided to re-open this old thread.


I do not get the error if i turn off the AMP engine but i cannot use control containers if i turn off the AMP engine. Soooooo what gives?
