Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Inserting macro on analytic app, only text box shows on interface but dropdown doesn't

7 - Meteor

Dear all,


I have one macro which is inserted on my analytic app as attached.  I would like to run the analytic app and the interface will consist of the text box for use to add the word for search the data and the drop down for use to select the field  which they want to search from their word. For example, user select the field "Name" and then add the word into the text box for search in field "Name".

However, now the interface shows only the text box but does not show the drop down for selecting the field.


Could you please help me to suggest the way to fix this problem.


Thank you so much in advance.

Best regards,









14 - Magnetar

Hi @Boontida, you need all your interface tools to be on the analytic app. Anything in the macro won't show on the app UI. You need to move your process of selecting the field to filter on to the app.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I also dont know to how to use the Interface tool inside a macro.

I best I can do is as below. 😁

