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Insert variable values in a DOCX file

8 - Asteroid



Could you please help me with bellow problem:

I have the attached word document that need to be generated for multiple users in the same time.

Do you know how can i replicate the first table, where the information marked with RED is variable and is populated from an excel file. 

Also do you know how can I replicate the "Signature" +"Date" section that can be filled in after the documents are generated. The only solution that I found was to add on a TEXT TOOL the photo with the "Signature"+ "Date", but after that it can't be filled in manually on the word document. 


Thank you in advanced! 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @mihaicom20 
Thank you for posting to the Community.
I would recommend you start by reviewing the Reporting tools.

Additionally, you will likely need to create a macro that updates your red fields with each specified person's information.


I would recommend once you get started on the workflow, to upload a copy of the workflow with some sample data so that the Community can assist you with more specific questions regarding the process.

I hope this helps to get you started!

Community Moderator