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Inconsistent S3 Upload - One csv works and another fails

7 - Meteor

Hi All


Having some weird issues in Alteryx Designer 


I have entered my credentials in an S3 Upload tool - And tried to upload a CSV to S3 - This fails for some reason. The error i get is simple "Access Denied". However when I try to upload a different csv to the exact same S3 upload tool, it works!


What could be causing this issue? The file that fails is only 2 columns and 200k long. The one that works is around 20 columns and 1000 rows.



13 - Pulsar

@3a_aa - this is most likely a permission issue on the AWS side vs. an Alteryx issue. What are the sizes of the two files? It sounds like they're both pretty small.

Also, I'm assuming you are trying to upload both files to the same bucket (the only thing that is changing is the data being fed into the Upload to S3 tool) correct?

8 - Asteroid

Hey @3a_aa, are you still having this issue? I'm also experiencing the same as well.


Did you manage to find the cause or solution?
