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If Contains changing a different column based on application input

6 - Meteoroid

Good morning,


I have a flow that accepts an input from a textbox. I want this input to scan through my table to filter just for the rows that contain that input. For example, if I type 'Hello' into the textbox, then only the rows of the table that contain the record 'Hello' in any column are filtered through. Of note, all the columns I am filtering are in string form.


I have tried to do this by connecting a textbox tool to a multifield tool filtering by:


If Contains([_CurrentField_],'Placeholder')=-1 THEN [Count]=([Count]+1) ELSE [Count]=[Count] ENDIF


This obviously doesn't work but I don't know how to write a statement that would. In this case, 'Placeholder' is updated and replaced by the textbox. I'm trying to have the multifield tool increase the Count column (whose records are all 0 at the beginning) so that after the tool I can filter for all rows with a Count greater than 0. This would mean that only the rows which contain the input would be filtered as true. Is this even possible to do and if so, where am I going wrong?


Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I've attached the way I like to approach these scenarios. The general idea is to assign a RecordID so the data can be transformed and rejoined later, and to use those transformations to make searching all records values one easy formula. 


Check out the example solution and let me know if this works for you.

6 - Meteoroid



This worked perfectly, thank you for the help!!!!
