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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Identifying unique records

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to identify records with duplicate within the same column. I initially used summarize tool but I don't have possible data to group them as the data from other columns also have duplicates. What other tools can I use instead?


Thank you.

17 - Castor

Hi @johnrexrima_19  can you provide a sample dataset for investigation?

Sapna Gupta
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @johnrexrima_19 ,


what about using the Unique tool? You can select the field you want to check for duplicates, the "U" anchor will return the first row containing a value for this field, the "D" anchor all duplicates. What do you think?





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Are you trying to identify unique values and get the first instance if there are duplicates, or are you trying to identify only unique values and pull out any instance of two or more?


If it's the first option, you can use a standard unique tool. Essentially it will grab any row that has unique values for any unique combination of the fields selected. If there are duplicates it will grab the first instance. Any subsequent instance will come out of the D output.


If you want only unique values, you can use the Only Unique Crew Macro. This will pull out any combination of values that is only in the data once, as well as any combinations that are in the data multiple times.  


Crew macros here:


See attached for an example.




8 - Asteroid

Hi @echuong1 , 


Thanks for your help! I was able to resolve my issue using the only unique crew macro. 
