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IF Condition with AND ; OR finctions

7 - Meteor

HI There,


I have first column Confidentiality Natur (Text Col) to check for value "2" OR "3" and second column Nature Confidentialite not empty then it should result OK or NO

Below is the one I am trying but get "


IF Contains([Confidentiality nature],"2" OR  "3") AND !IsEmpty ([Nature confidentialite]) THEN "OK" ELSE "NO" ENDIF


But it gives Call function error. Any help ?

11 - Bolide

Use this instead:


IF (Contains([Confidentiality nature],"2") OR Contains([Confidentiality nature],"3")) AND !IsEmpty ([Nature confidentialite]) THEN "OK" ELSE "NO" ENDIF


Or this:


IF Regex_countmatches([Confidentiality nature],"2|3") AND !IsEmpty([Nature confidentialite]) THEN "OK" ELSE "NO" ENDIF

7 - Meteor

Awesome, was missing on repeating col name for OR function. 

Thanks for quick help.
