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IBM Driver Data Connection

8 - Asteroid



I have connected to our IBMi Access ODBC Driver for JDE Edwards using the input tool and I am able to access any World Writers/Queries created in the standard library using the select table option however I want to access the actual underlying tables to access the real time directly. I am assuming I could do this via the SQL editor but when trying to enter I get the error "Error SQL Prepare: [IBM] System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/os]PWS9801 - Function rejected by user exit program SAFENET in PCSECLIB."


Here is what I entered into the SQL Editor


Select ABAN8 from GFGO.JCFSCAP1. F0101


JCFSCAP1 is the library and F0101 is the file/table. 


I am assuming because I can access the query data without issue I have the driver settings correct and I am just entered into the SQL editor incorrectly?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Aloha Shelton!


I don't know if you checked this or not, but in my experience with IBM products (particularly i series) I only recall seeing this error type when there is a program blocking people without certain access to certain files. Like lets say that you have a file with SSN info on there and because of your SOX regulations, only certain folks are allowed to see what is in there. 


I imagine that you are okay when looking at a logical table, but the source table is blocked?


If I am correct, you will need to go to you iSeries admin for access to the raw file, or worst case scenario, have them create a real time logical file that nulls out whatever protected values exist in that file.


I hope this helps!

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
7 - Meteor



Could you please share how you connected to JDE Edwards using IBMi Access ODBC driver? I don't see this driver in the Alteryx Data Source list in Manage In-DB connections 😞

8 - Asteroid

Forgot I had this post out here!


I use the IBM i Access ODBC Driver. In alteryx I use a dsnless connection string like as follows


ODBC:Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};System=[INSERT DESTINATION ADDRESS];Uid=[USERID];Pwd=__EncPwd1__

7 - Meteor

Thanks for your prompt response. I was able to connect to JDE using DSN (Data Source Name). I was able connect using Generic ODBC data source and the DSN I created (see attached screenshot). 


