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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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I'm trying to Schedule/automate Alteryx workflow, I don't have budget for Scheduler/server

5 - Atom

I have designer license.
Is there any way possible to automate the Alteryx workflow run at a specific time with designer license ? 

16 - Nebula

Hi @Biren 


The Schedule/Server are the official ways provided by Alteryx to solve this, so even if you find some trick out there, i would go with them. Especially for enterprise environments.


14 - Magnetar

I have similarly looked into this - I don't hold the budget so have very limited control over whether we get a server.  Scheduler licences are no longer available, so server is the only official option.


Otherwise, the only option I know of is something that will open an Alteryx workflow in Designer and hit run, which only works while your PC is on and connected to whatever it needs to connect to.  There are various ways to achieve this, but they all have the same limitations of needing to open the workflow and send a keypress.  I could get it working but it wasn't what I needed; depending on your IT setup you might have better luck.


It's a shame because Alteryx has a command line version which would do exactly what we need, but you can only use it with a server licence.  My understanding is that having a server would make this redundant anyway.
