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How to update sheet name in Render tool

8 - Asteroid

am using  render tool to output my tables, so there are 20 tables in my workflow and 10 of them should go into one excel sheet(sheet name should be EXE) and remaining 10 into another sheet (Sheet name - PNG). And based on company codes in the data should split into multiple files. I could able to figure out on combining 10 tables into 1 sheet (connecting all tables to layout tool and output render by Group by option on company code so that the there will multiple excel output based on no of Company codes. But i could not able to name sheet name how can that be done? and also i want to add remaining 10 tables to another, how that can be possible?


Can anyone assist?



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @ShravaniChanda 


Here is how you can render output to 2 tabs.



1. Lets say above branch is giving us table which goes into EXE sheet and below to PNG sheet.

2. Use formula tool and set a column with sheet name

3. Union them

4. In Layout tool you need to configure as Layout mode Each group of records, groupby sheet name, Orientation should be "vertical with section breaks" (important) with this you will get a option to set section name set it to sheet name column.

5. Using render tool as usual


Note : You might need a column which gives file name and for each file name where should be rows for each sheet.





Hope this helps ðŸ™‚

8 - Asteroid

Thank you

9 - Comet

Thanks for the clearly laid out example! This helped a lot!

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