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How to take screenshot of complete workflow

11 - Bolide

Hi community,


I would like to ask if there is any way to take complete screenshot of worklfow so that it cover all workflow.Currently i minimise the view and take the sreenshot but it become very small.



would like to ask if there is a way to export the whole worklfow view in the image or pdf or word file.


Many thanks


17 - Castor

Hi @SH_94 


You have an option to export the workflow to PDF format.

That will help.


File -> Print -> Output to PDF


Many thanks

Shanker V

13 - Pulsar

Hi, @SH_94 




  • First set up Print Settings: File --> Print Settings
  • Second print to PDF option: File --> Print

Suggested configurations are attached.

With PDF you can zoom in or out hence preserving legibility.

You might also consider updating your workflow Meta info (below), and hopefully, that will get captured in your PDF header or footer.




Please credit @ShankerV  response by marking it as an acceptable solution.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @SH_94 can I suggest you use the Auto Documentation tool it will take screenshot of your workflow and provide documenation as well. It might be overkill for your request however thought I highlight it.

11 - Bolide

Hi @JosephSerpis ,


This is something new thing to me. May i know how to use the Auto Documentation tool and how this different with other method proposed .?


Many thnaks for the support.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @SH_94 the link provided has all the information related to how it work however the tool scans your workflow and take snapshots of your workflow and provides documentation of your workflow at different stages and output to a PDF file.

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