Hey, I have to do a calculation from a value, lets take an example:
value |
2 |
Now I have to find the square of the number so the output will be:
value | square |
2 | 4 |
Now my problem is if the value is null I don't want the value to go formula tool (currently my canvas is throwing an error because the value column is empty).
value |
Now it should not generate any output
Let me know if you have any questions.
So you could filter out the Nulls?
@PhilipMannering I tried it but it is throwing an error in formula tool because it is not getting any value
Hey @Sshasnk
You could write an IF statement to prevent Nulls from being calculated.
IF IsNull([Value]) THEN Null() ELSE [Value]*[Value] ENDIF
If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!
@Maskell_Rascal What if all the value is null in value column? that was my question