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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to setup ReadOnly Connection for a particular database

8 - Asteroid

Hi there,


I have one database connection which is already saved in Alteryx under Option->Advanced Options->Manage Data Connections.

Currently due to permissions issue my manager wants this database permissions to be changed to READONLY.

I am struggling to change this. I have tried Read Uncommitted option available in input tool but i think it is not working.

May you please help me regarding the same,



hey @Mohd-Siddiqui1 

By default the input tool only allows for data reading. the only way a user would write back to the database would be using the output data tool.

However if this is not sufficient when you set up the data source on the system, you can adjust the read and write capabilities via the driver set up, this is definately the case for SQL however it willd epend on the database you are connecting too.

If this solves your issue please mark the response, this will help other users with the same issue find the answers quickly

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Kakuffo 

Thank you for your response.


Could you please help me with setting up the data source for READONLY, and how can I adjust the read and write capabilities through the driver setup?

It would be very helpful if you can illustrate this with an example.




sure, Which database are you connecting to?


8 - Asteroid

Hi @Kakuffo 


Apologies but database details are confidential and hence cannot be shared. If you can help me by taking any test database example from your end and saving that database in READONLY mode in Alteryx under Option->Advanced Options->Manage Data Connections.


Apologies again!


No problem please see my attached screenshot. This will need to be actioned outside of Alteryx, as Alteryx does not foster data connections but leverages existing ones created by the data source manager.


hopefully this helps. It may require Admin rights to make the adjustment


8 - Asteroid

Hi @Kakuffo 


is this the ODBC Driver screenshot?



Yes it is

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Kakuffo 


I am getting ODBC Data Source Administrator only when I am doing IN-DB connections for IN-DB input tool using the path Options->Advance Options->Manage IN-DB Connections.

When I am doing connections for input tool using the path Option->Advanced Options->Manage Data Connections, I am not getting any option to edit the connection string and setting it to READONLY and neither any ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.

I need to set READONLY for one of the database which is saved under Option->Advanced Options->Manage Data Connections

May you please help.
