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How to set the format for excel output to remain the wrap text after running alteryx

7 - Meteor

Dear all,


I have the excel output which show the data obtained from Alteryx. For this excel, I would like to set the format for excel to be wrapping text. Thus, I decide to set the wrap text on excel file before running the alteryx workflow and I also select to preserve formatting on overwrite as shown in the picture. 




However, after running the alteryx, the data is shown in the excel file but the wrapping text format is lost.


Please kindly suggest me about the trick to set the wrapping text format in excel output.


Thank you so much in advance.


Best regards,

Boontida P.



17 - Castor


You can use the python tool from Alteryx to format your recent generated excel file the way you want. In Output Data tool it will preserve the wrap text format for only those cells which were having data before overwriting and setting the format to wrap text.


Sapna Gupta
15 - Aurora

Hi, @Boontida 


If you just like use output to excel and want to remain the warp text format, 

1- you must set a excel sample file first.

2- set the cells format with warp text in sample.xlsx.

3- output data with select option with "Preserve formatting on overwrite".

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