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How to run alteryx workflow with windows Task scheduler when user is logged out or not.

5 - Atom

Hi All,

I am trying to run and schedule the Alteryx workflow with the help of python batch script and when I try "User is logged in" then alteryx workflow running fine. but when I tried to run and schedule the same with "User is logged in or not" then it will not running the alteryx workflow.
Windows Task Scheduler setting 
General- Run User is logged in or not, Run with highest Privileges

Action- Program/script - Masterflow.bat , Start in- Full path of Masterflow.bat

Conditions -Wake the computer to run this task 


Batch script 
python "C:\Alteryx_Data\"

Python Script

import pyautogui as pg
import os
import time

time.sleep(60) #build in enough time for Alteryx to open the workflow
pg.hotkey('ctrl', 'r')

Please guide me on this, the above is all the details that I have used to run and schedule the workflow with the help of python batch file but when it comes to "User is logged in or not" then it will not get executing.
Thank you in advance.

13 - Pulsar



If you are going to run it on your local machine, have you already scheduled the AlteryxEngineCmd.exe program and set your workflow as a parameter? No need for python. It's just make the settings of your desktop or notebook and test.

5 - Atom

@geraldo Thank you so much for your response.

I have tried the way you mentioned but it give me the error of license. 
The Feature "API or FlowChartMode" is not licensed. 
