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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to read information from a single page of a .pdf file

Hello Alteryx users, 

I am trying to automate a process where I'm extracting information from a single page (say Form99) of a .pdf file but the complication is a lack of standardization, so the placement of Form99 in a given pdf is not always consistent. I have Intelligence Suite license and I have tried using Image Template, but it only works for a couple of files. Is there a way to program to look for target pages and only extract information irrespective of the order of the contents?



12 - Quasar

@rushil_gadamshetty Screenshot 2024-10-08 164803.png


You can use combination of above tools to read a specific information from PDF. Place the form 99 in Image template and read the required data by adding annotations, Image Input has the path of input files. Add a filter after 'Image to text' where there is a match.This filter you need to figure out on what field to add.

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