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How to put empty template file in case of missing input excel

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow which takes in inputs from 4 different excel files. The files have top 10 and bottom 10 values of 3,6,9,12 months respectively.


Sometimes, there's no file for any one of the months and the workflow needs to run for the remaining files that have data. 


Can I make a template input to be picked in case there's no file for that month and run it with the rest of the files. Output should be in the same formal as the rest but with no data.


Thanks in advance

15 - Aurora

@saachitalwar if you have a specific format to be used in output every time you can use a sample template and blob tools to replicate that template for every run

you can add a macro for inputting the data so in case the conditions do not match this will run with rest of the files available.

hope this help.

8 - Asteroid

can you please show a sample macro


I'm trying to make an empty input file. But then I'll have to output just headers and no data

15 - Aurora

1.In case of Input when you are using the wild card (i am assuming as you posed another question for that) it will only take files form rest of the files which satisfy the condition
2. if the data structure is different then you will need a macro
but as us said they are all same input will work
3. please reach out in case you need more assistance
also it will be great if you can add some sample files. or the workflow you have created as of now.
