I'm new to Alteryx and slowly developing my skillset. I'm using the "Change File/Table Name" functionality within the Output Data Tool to output to individual Excel tabs based on entity number under the same workbook. I'm trying to have the output to start from a specific cell, say A25, for each tab, so that the output doesn't replace what was originally in the file. I tried to specify a range when selecting the output file, but it doesn't seem to work and the output still starts from A1 on each Excel tab. Any solution or suggestions would be much appreciated!
This is what I currently have:
Hi, @iteng
If you want output with start row A20 , you need give a range for output, please show your diag-box for output option snap or wf, then maybe we can find the problem.
Hi @iteng, try this.
In output tool set this configuration.
Then set this configuration.
It works for me.
Hi Sapna,
Thank you for sharing the solution. I tried to do the same but it doesn't seem to work, could you please check and see what I did wrong?