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How to open each sheet, run through the workflow and then merge them together at the end


Hi! I'm new alteryx user and have one issue that I have to solve quickly:
I have one excel file with multiple sheets, each sheet should run through the workflow that I created that looks like this:


and then at the end all sheets should be combined (one below the other). I saw that this should be done with Batch Macro, but I tried it and somehow didn't manage to make it properly. Should I make Batch Macro that will open each file and then connect it to this workflow or how should I do it?
Thank you!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Duki 


You need a batch macro to read data and go through the workflow and provide you the output.


Another approach is to read all the data from all the files and process it at a time if that works for you.


How to article on reading multiple sheets :

You can refer to the 3rd approach to also include the workflow in the macro.


Hope this helps : )


Thanks, I managed! 🙂


Can you pls share how you achieved it?
