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How to not show a drop down while using a macro?

8 - Asteroid

Hello community,


I have created a currency converter standard macro. I have added a drop down with a list of currencies for conversion and have added another drop down with the currency signs.


Now I just want to show one drop down to choose the currency but the not the other drop down, rather want it to be automatically updated as per the currency chosen in first drop down.

So how can I make a drop down's value as an input for another drop down?



Kindly help.


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Tripti_Lal 


1. First thing would be to remove the second dropdown.

2. Assuming you have/storing currency in a field if not you need to.

3. Use a formula to add the currency sign based on the currency.


Hope this helps 🙂

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think we are looking at the function with Colon(:)

A:B in drop down--> A means the descriptive words, B means the value will pass downstream.

