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How to move a specific field to a desired row

6 - Meteoroid

I have a data set that contains Name, Title, Location and another column with various fields. 


Each name has 10+ rows in column D. 


I want to move anything that begins with "Role" to the row associated with the name. 


For example: the name in the attached spreadsheet, "Erin Brown" I want to move "Role_Summer_Write" (cellD14), to cell D2.


Same thing for "John Smith" I want to move "Role_Corp_View" to cell D20 so it is in line with the name.


Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

17 - Castor

Hi @esjohnston 


Here's my take on this:


  1. I used multi-row formula tools to fill down the name and title information
  2. Then I filtered to rows containing 'role_'



