I'm trying to query a table in a html file that is 15MB in size, the file is saved locally.
The HTML to text tool only allows just over 5MB.
Have any of you come across this before?
this can be done using python or read as CSV and then transform it
find the reference
HTML format as Alteryx input - Alteryx Community
Convert HTML to text - Alteryx Community
Hope this helps.
Ask the InformationLab.... @OllieClarke ?
@apathetichell this is one of our French team’s tools.
The Wu-Tang Clan of Alteryx community.
I'll check this internally with my colleague who created the macro !
@JayTray Are you getting an error message ? If so, would you be able to share a screenshot of the error message you are getting ? Any information about the structure of the HTML file you are trying to parse or how you know that the macro is only handling up to 5MB of data would also be great, and if you could share a sample workflow that would be ideal!