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How to edit last chained app in the gallery?

9 - Comet



I have a chained app published on the gallery that is hooked up to a collection for users to run. I want to edit the final app in the chained app. However, having trouble doing this without taking it off the gallery to repackage - when done this way then I have to republish to the collection. Is there a way to edit the last chained app from the gallery that will save it with a new version number so that the collection will auto update? 

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Erin 


You can do this by opening the first app in Designer from the gallery.  The entire package, including subsequent apps will be copied down to a staging directory.  Hover over the tab to find the path the staging directory.



Open the copy of the app that you want to modify from the staging path using File-> Open from within Designer.  Make the changes and save the modified app.   Go back to the 1st app and Save...not Save As.  It will be repackaged and put on server as a new version of the original with the changes made to the subsequent app incorporated.  The new version will then be available in the collection as well



9 - Comet

Thank you @danilang !
