I have create a simple API call getting my bearer token:
Then I wanna use my token to reach https://api.xxxxxx.io/v1/reporting/shipments/export
From postman I have a bearer token auth:
With 2 headers:
and a simple body:
How do I fill these data into my download tool?
Im sorry I have near 0 exp with api's, so please explain it as if I were a child, thank you 🙂
Hi @Hamder83
Your Bearer token will go into your headers but you have them hidden in Postman, unhide them and you will see that postman sorts this out of you, you just need to change the name of your Bearer token column (I'm guessing to something like Authorization dependant on the API documentation) and feed the token in via the download tool in the Payload Headers tab
Hi @Matt,
I create an input:
And I append my bearer:
I add my cleintid and content type as I do in postman:
But I get this error:
"{"timestamp":"2021-12-21T14:19:15.354+0000","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"JSON parse error: Unrecognized token 'createdAfter': was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false'); nested exception is com..."
My bad @Hamder83 the headers should go into the Headers tab not your Payload tab . I've corrected my original reply.
Obviously you don't need to manually enter your clientid if it's in your data, just tick it in the headers tab or visa versa.