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How to create empty rows between tables in excel output

7 - Meteor


i need to output 2 tables into one excel sheet(vertically) and between the 2 tables there should be some empty rows

Have tried to create another table with null values and join the 3 tables together. I am able to get empty rows in final output but the height of the empty rows is very narrow. I actually want to to be the same as the other 2 tables which have values


I use render tool to output into excel, btw


Have tried to adjust the height of table layout but it didn't help


Anyone has a suggestion? 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @ChloeZhao0122 


Please see the workflow attached for an example of how to do this.






I used the report tool and added 2 blank rows to be the separator between the tables.


Please let me know if you were thinking something different. If this was the solution you were looking for, please remember to assign a solution to the post.



7 - Meteor


i didnt get the expected output following your method... in the layout tool, i have to group by a field as i need to output the data into seperate excel files based on the field 


Also i am using alteryx 2019 version, not sure if that also cause the issue ?? 

7 - Meteor

i tried to create dummy table with null values and put that dummay table in between the 2 actual tables. I can get the empty rows but its squeezed

due to the null value


Anyone knows how to resolve that issue due to the null value? 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Maybe you can use Row Rule to increase the Row height for the row with Null value.


7 - Meteor

But didn't see where to adjust row height in Row Rule settings? 


Sorry new to the community and don't know how to tag a person...

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Just input @ mark then you know what to do next.

To adjust the row height, we can do it by adjusting the font size of that row.

7 - Meteor

Oh tried increasing font size but it didn't work for null value...

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Tried something tricky. Hope can meet you requirement.


7 - Meteor

@Qiu  thank you but if i click the empty cell it still shows the value ".". it is just hided because of the color... i will need the empty rows with no value at all
