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How to append Alteryx Output data to a Excel Table?

I have a Excel sheet with below data


I want to append some data into this sheet using Alteryx, but when am Appending the data it is getting inserted outside the table(Refer below Example).


Is there a way to append the date inside the table?

11 - Bolide

Hello @saibharath_dachepall 


This is possible in two different ways as I know (Probably a lot more ways as with all Alteryx solutions 🙂 )


Solution 1:
The first thing you can do is to extend your current table in Excel (Maybe to ~ 1000 rows

or however big you think the table you want to append from Alteryx is.
Then append your data from Alteryx to the table in the same way as you did before.


The only "Problem" is that it will show up Blank in the filter tool.

See solution 1 in my attached Alteryx-workflow and the Excel table similar as below:





Solution 2:
Another solution is to use the report tools inside of Alteryx.

You can input your Excel table, union it with the data in Alteryx that you want to append to the table,

then send it out to an Excel File again with the Render tool (Use the same file path as the input path

and you are then appending it to the existing Excel-File).




Find my attached Alteryx-Workflow below:


See also the thread below for more information:

//Best Regards


19 - Altair

One quick clarification - if you have multiple sheets - you can't use the render option. Render will replace your current file with whatever comes out of the render tool.

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