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How to Transpose fields?

5 - Atom

I am having issues with preparing my data set. Specifically I am not sure if I am using the correct tool and/or if there is a better tool that would be more useful in my situation.


I am trying to do the following:

1. My input is


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2. I would like the following output:


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I tried using both Cross Tabs and Transpose Tools, but I have not had any luck with configuration. Nothing is giving me the result. I was thinking if there is a join tool that would help me, but most of them are for joining data from two sources, while this is coming from one source. 


I am fairly new to Alteryx and any insight would be helpful. Thank you!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @vnorman 

If you want to make it simpler, you can try Arrange tool like this.


5 - Atom

Thank you @gawa ! This one completely slipped from my mind. 
