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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to Output an entire Excel file but calculate only from a particular row onwards

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone,

I have a system-generated file that shows the report parameters on top and then has several thousand lines of data after a particular row number. I normally just use the "Start Data Import on Line" option in the input tool. However, for audit purposes, I need to show the report parameters as well as the calculated fields in the same report. 

One way I could think of is having one input tool that just outputs the report, unedited, into one tab,and then have another tab where I import from a particular line number and perform my calculations. 

However, given that the file size is generally large, I want to avoid this.

Is there another way that I can get Alteryx to provide an output like the screenshot below (I've given sample data - the columns in green are the calculated fields I want to insert).


Screenshot - Alteryx Query.jpg



8 - Asteroid

Attaching the file as well (for some reason, it didn't attach when I posted my original query)

12 - Quasar

Hello, @Astro55.


Would something like the attached work?


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

So you want the Calculation part in Green to be performed in Alteryx or Excel, I am sorry but I am a bit confused.
Either way, this article should help.

8 - Asteroid

@Qiu - Apologies, I wasn't clear. I have updated the file to show the input and the desired outputs. I wanted the calculation part in Green to be performed by Alteryx. (attaching the updated file below)

Regardless - thank you for introducing me to Blobs! I need to do a bit more reading, but this can help several of my use cases, especially when it comes to formatting! Thank you so much!!!!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @acarter881 - This is ALMOST there! Thank you so much!

My only question is - how can I export this table to Excel instead of a PDF? I tried using the "Output Tool" in Excel, and it didn't work. 

I did something similar to yours (though I learned some additional nuances through your solution). The main difference is that I excluded creating the tables and using the Output Tool to export to separate rows of the same file/ tab. (And used a Block Until Done to ensure the workflows didn't cause an output error). Your solution seems more elegant if I can figure out how to export to Excel.

12 - Quasar

@Astro55 you're welcome.


You can change the Output Mode to a temporary Excel file or choose a specific output file.



8 - Asteroid

@acarter881 - I didn't know that! Thank you so much!!!

12 - Quasar

@Astro55 you're welcome. Glad I could help.
