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How to Input Latest File From SharePoint

5 - Atom



I am trying to Input the data from the latest Excel file from a SharePoint folder.  New files are loaded to this folder daily and are the input to an Alteryx workflow. Prior to SharePoint, we were using a network drive and I was able to use the Dynamic Input tool in combination with some formulas to identify the latest file to open.  However, I cannot seem to figure out how to replicate when the the Input file is coming from SharePoint instead of a Directory.  Any simple solutions?  Thanks for the help for helping out a no!



5 - Atom

Hi - Did you find solution for your workflow?

5 - Atom

Not yet.  I was hoping someone could help me in the community.  Until then, I am still using network drives. 

13 - Pulsar

Are you able to sync you sharepoint folder to your One Drive? If you are, once its synced it acts just like a network folder and appears in your File Explorer. You should be able to use the Dynamic or Input tool as normal. At my prior employer this is what I had done. You can also take a look at the Sharepoint Input/Output tools in the link below. If you can sync to One Drive though, you shouldnt need the SharePoint tool.


SharePoint Input Tool | Alteryx Help

5 - Atom

Thankyou. I have synced up to my network drive, but wanted to check if there is any other solution to pick up the latest file from SharePoint location.
