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How do I flatten into one row records from Excel that are contained in two rows?

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I have an Excel file where records look like this:


StoreGross % Incr/DecrIncomeExpenseNet
Jacksonville, FL26.332,00016,00016,000
Moscow, ID-18.524,00043,00034,000


(Those are made-up numbers.)


In the original Excel data source, the first line of data would be the Jacksonville store's current year info, and the second line would be the fiscal year-to-date info.  Subsequently, the third line would be the Moscow store's CY, and the fourth year would be the Moscow store's FYTD info.  I need Alteryx Designer to append every second row to the end of the row before it, so that each store's information is contained in a single line.  I am not worried about column names; I'll take care of that in a SELECT tool afterwards.  How can I do this?

8 - Asteroid

To clarify, this is what the desired outcome would be:


StoreGross % Incr/DecrIncomeExpenseNetGross % Incr/Decr1Income1Expense1Net1
Jacksonville, FL26.332,00016,00016,00032.564,00030,00034,000
Moscow, ID-18.524,00043,00034,0002.534,00065,00045,000


16 - Nebula

Hi @SergeantJack 


Try the attached workflow


8 - Asteroid

That worked perfectly.  Thank you!

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