Hi Everyone,
I am new to Alteryx, and I am facing an issue while reading the data from the Google input drive (as I can select the file and choose the no of records also) my Alteryx designer tool keeps saying running for hours but there is no display of data at all...
I have changed the User edit setting to make the Alteryx a high priority to process the data also but no improvement
Kindly please can you help me...
I'd normally recommen turn off amp - but I think the gdrive tool requires it. What version Alteryx are you running? Can you reauthenticate to google?
Thank you for taking your valuable time to respond, I am using Alteryx Version 2024.1
hmm! - ok. - I'd recommend closing that - and placing a new gdrive tool on your canvas. Then go through google oauth again. Hopefully this is just an oauth issue - if you see the issue again - open a ticket with support.
Start: Designer x64: Started running at 05/28/2024 16:41:10
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Running at a Low Priority.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Allocating requested memory would be more than available physical memory. Reverting to 4286.3 MB of memory.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: This is AMP Engine; running 12 worker threads; memory limit 4286.3 MB.
Error: Google Drive Input (2): Version 3.8 was not found in our alteryx distribution. Please select another version.
Error: Google Drive Input (2): Internal Error - Deadlock detected
End: Designer x64: Finished running in 0.4 seconds with 2 errors using AMP engine
this is actual log of error i am getting
Try reinstalling the Google Drive tool from here - https://help.alteryx.com/current/en/designer/data-sources/google-drive.html#google-drive-6680188
Actually, i have downloaded the required GDrive connector
Start: Designer x64: Started running at 05/28/2024 16:56:58
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: This is AMP Engine; running 12 worker threads; memory limit 5314.0 MB.
this is the log i am getting and it's in running status only until i stop manually
Start: Designer x64: Started running at 05/28/2024 17:17:01
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Running at a Low Priority.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Allocating requested memory would be more than available physical memory. Reverting to 4491.1 MB of memory.
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: This is AMP Engine; running 12 worker threads; memory limit 4491.1 MB.
I saw the post it was about the AMP update and the username correction( i rechecked my username) everything is correct but my Alteryx designer tool log is still kept running but it do not display the data