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Help with Finding a specific word in a field then taking a remove record action or ...?

6 - Meteoroid

Hello all, 


I need help with this action and how to create a workflow for it.  I am guessing it would only require a few tools and should not be a large workflow but I'm not sure.  So I have provided the sample UAL attached to this post in the format/structure that we receive it.  In the file, you will see that there are users that are listed in two groups, Active and Inactive. What I am trying to achieve is one of two things, if not both.  1.) I would like for the users that appear after the 'Inactive Users' section to be removed, effectively leaving me with only the 'Active Users' to further work downstream.  Or 2.) Ideally I would like for each of the records under each section to be tagged with their Status of Active or Inactive.  What I mean is, for the users that are noted under the 'Active Users' to have a field appended to each of these records with 'Active' and for the users noted under 'Inactive Users' to have a field appended to each record with 'Inactive'.  Basically, I would like to create a 'Status' field which tells me whether this user is Active or Inactive.  Any help is appreciated in this endeavor. 


Thank you in advanced.

12 - Quasar

Hi @fdiazlemus - see attached. I completed step 2 first by assigning a status of active or inactive to each record. From here, you can apply any additional filters as required, i.e., filter on just active

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks a lot @Brendand_Spillane this was very helpful! Thank you!

6 - Meteoroid

How did you tag me in your post? I tried to tag you in mine just now but it doesn't hyperlink like your did?  Sorry I'm new to the community.

12 - Quasar

No problem! Just type @ and you should see my username appear in a pop up window, then click on the username

6 - Meteoroid

@Bren_Spill I'm such a noob lol Thank you!
