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Help in Regex

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,


I have a dataset where rows are like -


os="Windows";osArch="amd64";version="10+19042" ;processorCount="2";Frequency="1.2";physicalMemory="3863MB";CPUModel="Intel (R) Core(TM) i3-1005G1 CPU @ 1.20GHz;b1;ci:2;4;1.2||os:1-;0;19042;1||";GPUModel="Intel(R) UHD Graphics;;8086.8a56.9791028.7;";format="new";win_64_client="4";sys_lang="es-PE";client_lang="rn"


I wanted to fetch the value in quotes from - win_64_client="4"


When I'm using Regex Parse -- .+\w{3}\d+_\w+=.+(\d+).+    I'm getting the expected result in new column.


In formula tool it's also working in Alteryx -- REGEX_REPLACE([DEVICE_INFO], ".+\w{3}\d+_\w+=.+(\d+).+", "$1")


When I'm applying the same formula while connecting the data from Snowflake database, I'm getting Null values.


select db_userid, device_info,

regexp_substr(device_info, '.+\w{3}\d+_\w+=.+(\d+).+') as "RESULT"


where device_info like "%win64_client%"

limit 10;


Please correct me with the correct syntax where is my mistake.

19 - Altair

1) your alteryx regex is wrong. you need \w{3}_\d - without the _ your regex would not work in alteryx with the provided input.

2) Snowflake uses POSIX regex. Alteryx uses PERL regex.

3) try something like: select
regexp_substr('os="Windows";osArch="amd64";version="10+19042" ;processorCount="2";Frequency="1.2";physicalMemory="3863MB";CPUModel="Intel (R) Core(TM) i3-1005G1 CPU @ 1.20GHz;b1;ci:2;4;1.2||os:1-;0;19042;1||";GPUModel="Intel(R) UHD Graphics;;8086.8a56.9791028.7;";format="new";win_64_client="4";sys_lang="es-PE";client_lang="rn"', '\\w{3}_\\d+_\\w+.+"\\d+"',1) as "RESULT";

to extract the win_64_client part... do you need more - what about:

4) select
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(regexp_substr('os="Windows";osArch="amd64";version="10+19042" ;processorCount="2";Frequency="1.2";physicalMemory="3863MB";CPUModel="Intel (R) Core(TM) i3-1005G1 CPU @ 1.20GHz;b1;ci:2;4;1.2||os:1-;0;19042;1||";GPUModel="Intel(R) UHD Graphics;;8086.8a56.9791028.7;";format="new";win_64_client="4";sys_lang="es-PE";client_lang="rn"', '\\w{3}_\\d+_\\w+.+"\\d+"',1),'"\\d+"'),'"','') as "RESULT";

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