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Help: Using Run Command tool to create a folder

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I have a workflow that gives me 3 excel file outputs at the end. When I run the workflow, I would like for it to automatically create a folder in a shared drive, with the folder named as "today's date" and have my 3 excel files saved in that folder


I heard that a run command tool can be used but I have absolutely no idea about the configurations. Does anyone know how to go about doing it / guiding me with the exact steps?


Also, a side question, is it possible to do this without a run command tool?


Thank you so much!

18 - Pollux

This thread (including the -p addition in the last post) walks you through the mkdir/alteryx interface and provides a batch macro in a workflow to show you how to implement...


I think the all important link didn't post so here it is again:

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Just a quick sample


7 - Meteor

Just to add something, the -p does not work (or at least for me) in the Windows environment with mkdir or md.  Instead I used the following command: "if not exist ." +[DirName] + " mkdir ." + [DirName]


The periods are there because I want the folders created at one level above "_externals". 


Now just tweaking the workflow to guarantee the folders are created before the output tries to place files in them.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Just to add - i released a free tool on the Alteryx Gallery for this job:

This uses the run command similar to as discussed above. Feel free to open the macro and see how it works (I haven't locked/encrypted the macro, so if you just want the logic it may be useful). 


The logic is simple, an explained in the source above - i use a command to check if the folder path first exists, and if not, i use the mkdir command.


Hope this helps,
