Help Creating Different Sheets in Excel Including Layout of Table Data
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I am inputting data from an Excel sheet to create tables.
I have my tables created and used the Layout tool to label the data.
I need to now create a new excel file with multiple sheets.
1 sheet for the original data, after the filter (see below) and another sheet in the same excel file for the layout.
I've tried the Block Until Done and it's not working properly.
How can I create a single excel file where one sheet is the overall data and the other sheet is the layout (table, labels, etc.)?
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Hi @JacobGFMR, are you outputting using a regular output tool or a render tool? I assume you're running into an error because it's trying to write both sheets at the same time? The render tool should support writing to different tabs with no issues.
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Hello @JacobGFMR,
1) In this case, you need to have two separate data streams (original data and layout). Then you can use attached macro -- Parallel Block Until Done.
Firstly create output with Render Tool and then you can output Raw Data.
2) Or you can only use Render Tools as per article below.
Best Luck!