We have many PDF files sitting in Salesforce that we want to use Alteryx to download. I have the Salesforce API which I used to pull a url from the SF object and then use the download tool to execute the download - but it pulls a weird version of the PDF instead of its binary code.
What I attached is the result from the download tool and the result from manually downloading the same file.
I understand that demanding that alteryx attempt to grab something from a protected URL might not be the way. Would login credentials
make a difference in this some how?
Has anyone done this before? If the download tool or any method of downloading doesn't work, how else could we do this?
As mentioned the last time you posted this - you need to hit the API endpoint. you must provide credentials. Salesforce will not let you hit this URL because that would be a huge safety risk. What object are they in? Is it a custom object?
i apologize - i wanted to ask in a more articulate way thanks to your info. Yes this is a custom object with a path.so we would need to grab the record ids and the pdf document when the records are at a certain stage.
i apologize - i wanted to ask in a more articulate way thanks to your info. Yes this is a custom object with a path.so we would need to grab the record ids and the pdf document when the records are at a certain stage.
I think this is really a trailblazer community question - here's some older discussion on that topic - https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54V00007T4EzsSAF if you have an api endpoint - you can authenticate it and Alteryx will allow you to donwload a binary file (whether pdf or other) - but the endpoint/backend are all reliant upon SFDC and not really something this forum can help you with.
great idea. thanks for the link and your help.
@uriah have you tried using the Salesforce Input tool rather than hitting a URL with the download tool? I haven't pulled an attachment from SalesForce myself, but I believe there is an attachments table that you can browse to with the SalesForce Input tool and then I would think it either downloads the attachment as a PDF or as a base64 encoded version.
Like @apathetichell mentioned above, there is a bit more to it than just hitting the endpoint with a download tool. The reason I am suggesting the SalesForce input tool is because it already handles the authentication element and allows you to query tables that your user account has access to.
@BrandonB Thank you for reading and replying.
Yes I am using the Salesforce Input tool provided by the Alteryx Marketplace. I was attempting to use it to grab the attachment ID and create urls with them. I was unaware of the attachments object.. ill explore it and attempt to grab the data more directly from that authentication.