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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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8 - Asteroid



I am currently working on a workflow and I decided to divide the whole workflow into two parts - that is why I put it into different containers. What I wanted to happen is to use the output file from the first part of the workflow to be the input file in the second part but has no idea how to do it. Probably using some macros (I haven't tried it though) or any tool that I could use to do it. Can I have your suggestions, please? 

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @johnrexrima_19 


From what you are describing you are looking for a chained app.  The Interactive lesson can do a better job showing you than I can in a message:



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Yes this would best be through a chained app, effectively you write out your output from the first workflow and pickup this same file as the input for the second.

In order to do this you'll first need to go to your workflow tab in the configuration window and change the Type to an Analytic App (this will allow the changing to be defined). Second you will need to go into the settings tab (cog icon) in the interface designer window, and tick "On Success - Run Another Analytic App" and browse to your selected workflow to run on completion of the current workflow. If you want to run a third workflow the same steps need to be taken in the second workflow.


image.png      image.png


To learn a little more about chained apps i would take a look at the interactive lesson

Also take a look at for a similar use case broken down step by step of needing to output in the first app to input into the second.


If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!





19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @johnrexrima_19 


If both of these containers are in the same workflow, why don't you connect output of the first to the input of the second?  Is there a special reason why you need to split these?  Alteryx can handle very large workflows. 



8 - Asteroid

Hi @T_Willins I just watched it and find it very helpful. Thanks!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @danilang, I tried it once but I am getting an error in the latter part where I have an input tool that should use the output on the earlier part of the workflow. That's why I decided to separate the whole workflow into two containers to emphasize that the first part should push through before proceeding with the second part. I think the chaining analytic app would be the solution.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @johnrexrima_19,


In following up with @danilang's suggestion. Will your entire workflow run correctly if you delete/disconnect the input for part 2, connect part 1 after the last tool before the output to the first tool in part 2?


Very simplistically:

Combining workflows.JPG


8 - Asteroid

Hi @T_Willins ,


Thank you for your suggestion. This could also be possible but I ended up making it a chained app that works best for me so I can set parameters before proceeding with part 2. Thank you again, appreciate it!
