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Geocoding Advice

7 - Meteor

Hi Folks, 


Looking at migrating some legacy business process into AlteryX. One part of that is geocoding client store addresses. Can I have your thoughts on a service that is:


(i) Happy with fuzzy address data.

(ii) Global coverage.

(iii) Not eye wateringly expensive.

(iv) Is easily used in a simple AlteryX workflow


I'm looking to automatically geocode new stores that appear in the data without us using our old processes.


Any tips/experiences appreciated.





16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

One option is the Google Maps API.

1. Get an API Key:

2. Put it in the workflow attached,


3. Run workflow.


Pricing seems reasonable:

I haven't tested it extensively, but it looks like it works. Coverage and accuracy is going to be better than most I would have thought. 


Let me know if it works.


7 - Meteor

Thanks - most useful. API up and running, and I've created some test data. Any idea what this error is all about?  The points creation needs a lat/lon but the macro is only passing through ID and Address columns.gapi.png
