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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Generate a UI to allow user to select multiple fields and their values

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I have a situation where I need to build an Analytic App that allows a user to input values to multiple fields from preselected values.


Ex: I have Field 1, Field 2 & Field 3


I want the user to be able to select the value to all 3 of those fields and then run the workflow.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Please see below how you can do it




Attached the workflow,

Hope this helps,


If this solve the need please mark it as solved it will help others.



8 - Asteroid

@messi007  Would you mind saving your workflow as a package so I can view it? I do not have the most recent version of Alteryx installed. Thanks!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Attached the package.


But it's not the package that will help you to open the workflow because it's an application.


Could you tell me the version you use and I'll downgrade it for you.



8 - Asteroid

@messi007 I edited the XML to allow me to see the workflow with my Alteryx version.


Thank you so much for the help!
