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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Formula Tool vs Join Performance

5 - Atom

Lets say I have a TypeID column with values ranging from 0 - 5. I need to convert these TypeID's into a string value.  Is Alteryx more performant with an IF statement in a formula tool or is a text input with a Join more performant? 


Number of records is around 1.8mil  


I currently have a formula tool with an IF statement converting the TypeID's but  I could also have a text input and join.  Which would be the best performance or best practice?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @jasonlmay ,


This is a great question! I believe the Alteryx Engine will be more performant with the Join tool! I just ran a quick test with 26mil rows and here are the results. The join tool responsible for 29% of the workflow time vs 35% with the formula tool performing the same action. 



5 - Atom

Interesting.  Thanks for running this and showing an example.  I'll try the same to see if I end up with the same result.
