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For loop using workflow data to iterate workflow for each unique value.

7 - Meteor



I have been researching macros but am yet to find what I believe is the answer to my problem hence this message to the community requesting some input.  My problem is as follows:


I want to implement a loop that is driven by the unique values held within the workflow so for example one loop per individual country value held in a "Country" field so that loops once per unique country.  Per iteration I would like it to perform a workflow with a number of outputs such as a PDF rendered table and perhaps an email sent with some dynamic values driving the text and perhaps the created PDF being attached.


I have looked to see if this is possible with some use of the reporting grouping but I am not too sure if this is able to provide this level of grouped looping?


I do not have the data to provide or a sample to show the concept so hopefully this makes sense and I only have access to the Desktop product.  Your thoughts and views are awaited with interest.


Kind regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Katy_Holder-Vale 


You're probably referring to batch reporting. You can definitely create multiple reports based on a key column that would drive the filename and the report for that specific key value.


I'm checking if I can find some examples in the Community so you can follow through. Basically you need to group those report snippets and use the Layout tool to generate the look of your reports based on these groups.


Let me see if I can find an example and I'll post it here.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor



This might be really helpful.


If you struggle along the way, please let us know at least with screenshots so we can help.



7 - Meteor

Many thanks for the response and the link.


I will have a look and hope that this is the answer.


Many thanks,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

"For Loops - They're Like Batch Macros" Learn Macros Through Code (for Non-Coders) - Alteryx Community
